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|| Why have a model?
|| Review of creativity models in the literature
|| Walk-through of the DirectedCreativity cycle
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Why Have a Model?
In contrast to heuristic statements that provide a focused gem of wise
advice, models strive to capture the whole of something in a overall, integrated
fashion. Models also show sequence, interconnection, pattern, flow, and
organization. Models are critically important to mental functioning because
they allow us to anticipate future actions, needs, and steps.
A Review of Creative Thinking Models in the Literature
are many models proposed in the creativity literature for the process of
creative thinking. Arieti (1976) cataloged eight such models that were proposed
during the period 1908 to 1964. There have been several additional models
proposed since. Analysis of these various models reveals some consistent
patterns. (Click here for a working paper that
reviews several creativity models and illustrates these patterns.)
- The creative process involves purposeful analysis, imaginative idea
generation, and critical evaluation -- the total creative process is a
balance of imagination and analysis.
- Older models tend to imply that creative ideas result from subconscious
processes, largely outside the control of the thinker. Modern models tend
to imply purposeful generation of new ideas, under the direct control of
the thinker.
- The total creative process requires a drive to action and the implementation
of ideas. We must do more than simply imagine new things, we must work
to make them concrete realities.
These insights from a review of the many models of creative thinking
should be encouraging to us. Serious business people often have strong skills
in practical, scientific, concrete, and analytical thinking. Contrary to
popular belief, the modern theory of creativity does not require that we
discard these skills. What we do need to do, however, is to supplement these
with some new thinking skills to support the generation of novel insights
and ideas.
The DirectedCreativity Cycle: A synthesis model of
the creative process
graphic presents our synthesis model -- The DirectedCreativity Cycle --
based on the concepts behind the various models
proposed in the literature over the last 80 years.

Let's walk through it, beginning at the 9:00 position on the circle.
We live everyday in the same world as everyone else, but creative
thinking begins with careful observation of that world coupled with
thoughtful analysis of how things work and fail. These mental processes
create a store of concepts in our memories. Using this store, we generate
novel ideas to meet specific needs by actively searching for associations
among concepts. Seeking the balance between satisficing and premature judgment,
we then harvest and further enhance our ideas before we subject
them to a final, practical evaluation. But, it is not enough just
to have creative thoughts; ideas have no value until we put in the work
to implement them. Every new idea that is put into practice (that
is, every innovation) changes the world we live in, which re-starts the
cycle of observation and analysis.
Directed creativity simply means that we make purposeful
mental movements to avoid the pitfalls associated with our cognitive mechanisms
at each step of this process.
For purposes of explanation, we can further divide this model into the
four phases shown. We will use these four phases of Preparation, Imagination,
Development, and Action to organize the tools of directed creativity.
that this model continues in the tradition of others
in asserting that creativity is a balance of imagination and analysis. The
model also purposefully avoids taking a stand on the controversy of whether
imagination is a conscious or subconscious mental ability. While I personally
believe that imagination is a conscious, non-magical mental action, the
activity of "generation" in the model welcomes creative ideas
regardless of their source. Finally, notice that this model clearly supports
the notion that innovation is a step beyond the simple generation of creative
ideas; the Action phase of the model makes it clear that creative ideas
have value only when they are implemented in the real world.

© 1997 Paul E. Plsek & Associates, Inc.
All rights reserved.
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